Housing: Staff quarters must be permanent structures of a good standard with proper facilities for sewage disposal. Position your staff quarters well away from your neighbours. Single occupancy is advised, and permanent residence of spouses and family is discouraged. Staff must not keep their own livestock including dogs and cats. Please do not allow staff to hire out unused rooms, and all visitors should be approved by the plot owner. The estate security team have instructions to apprehend unidentified visitors and remove them from the estate. All staff should be issued with Greenpark security I.D’s and visitors with temporary Security I.D’s. These can be obtained from the Estate Manager.

Staff Identification Cards

For security purposes, all staff working for plot owners are required to be registered and issued with a Greenpark Identity card. Building contractors and casual workers will be issued with temporary ID card. Shareholders are requested to inform the Estate Manager of the name and national I.D. number of all members of staff. Any member of staff who leaves their employment must return their Greenpark ID card to the Estate Manager. Any staff member not holding a Greenpark ID card may be escorted off the estate by Security. References for a new worker can be obtained from the area chief or from the police to ensure that the worker has a clean record.

Wildlife Risk: Wildlife that is deemed a threat to the Estate residents such as snakes or Leopards should be reported immediately to the security office for assistance.

Fire Risk: Employees must not light fires to burn rubbish. Absentee owners must make arrangements for this responsibility. Make your own staff available for firefighting on other plots, and you will benefit from the same co-operation.


Water storage tanks must not be on towers. Collection and storage of rain water is recommended. Check that the roofing material you use is safe for rainwater collection and consumption. The Estate borehole water has a high fluoride content. Filtration is possible. Filters are available through the Catholic Water Centre Nakuru. Water meters are read and charges invoiced monthly. Try to avoid excessive consumption during the construction period. Greenpark Water Services is responsible for any water leakage or problems between the pumping station, the tanks and the shareholders meter. Any water leakage or misuse on the shareholders side of the meter is the shareholders responsibility and any costs incurred will be charged to the shareholder.


Refer to the Estate Manager for the latest facilities available. Do not burn in the dry season and carefully monitor burning of rubbish at all time.


Sewage disposal must be via a proper septic tank and must not encroach on the neighbouring properties. Water disposal can be via a soak pit.

Long drop latrines should be of a hygienic design to avoid flies, smells, etc.


To maintain the openness of the environment, fencing should be kept to the minimum. It is recommended to fence only a portion of your plot for safety and security purposes. Avoid using tall heavy fencing material. Fence wire is preferred to barbed wire. Natural hedging looks even better. Fences should be at least 3 metres from the edge of the road. Remove loose or broken fence wire as it may be taken and used for snares.


Avoid removal of indigenous trees. Contact members of the Building Committee for advice on tree planting. The planting of trees, especially indigenous trees is highly recommended. Do not allow trees to grow to a height which will obscure a neighbour’s view. In general, it is encouraged to clear selectively to maintain a natural environment of indigenous trees. Trees should not be planted within the area 3 metres from the edge of the road.


GPWS are responsible for the maintenance of all main roads. Roads within plot boundaries are the responsibility of the owner. In the event of subdivision, the owner must put in access roads to individual plots. Culverts on your plot must be maintained and standing water drained to avoid mosquito breeding. Road naming is the responsibility of the Committee. Temporary trenches are to be filled in after use. Lorries over 10 tons are not allowed into Greenpark. Lorries are not permitted on the estate after 6pm and cannot leave the estate before 7am.


During the dry season and times of drought, the likelihood of a bush fire sweeping across Greenpark is high. Residents are encouraged to help their neighbours in case of a fire. If you wish to burn dry matter in your garden, you are requested to inform the Estate Manager in advance. It is sensible to only have a bonfire early in the morning when the air is still. It is the responsibility of all Plot owners to clear their plots of thick undergrowth. All plot owners must maintain a 5 meter wide firebreak around the perimeter of your plot. Employees must not light fires to burn rubbish. Absentee owners must make arrangements for this responsibility. Make your own staff available for fire fighting on other plots, and you will benefit from the same co-operation. Charcoal preparation is strictly forbidden anywhere on Greenpark. If there is a serious fire during your absence, the Company may levy a charge for the cost of fire fighting services. Special precautions must be taken during dry seasons with regard to burning rubbish.


The Company maintains a 24 hour mobile security with radio and cell phone communications.

Foot patrols during the day and static stations during the night.

Please liaise with the Estate Manager with regard to subscribing to the GP radio network.

There is a police patrol base off the main road below the entrance to Greenpark.

ANIMALS – wild and domestic

At Greenpark you will find a large variety of wildlife – both big and small – some dangerous. Residents and visitors are advised not to walk, ride or cycle in lonely or remote parts of the estate. Staff on Greenpark should avoid walking or cycling after dark. Animals that can be seen, normally after dark, are Eland, Waterbuck, Silver backed Jackal, Hyena, Bush buck, Dik-dik, Zebra and Leopard.

Shareholders and visitors are asked to keep to the 30kph speed limit at all times and especially at night. Anyone driving at night should keep a look out for any lit-up eyes of wildlife. If you come across wildlife on the road at night, you are advised to dim your headlights, slow to a stop and allow the animal to cross the road where it will inevitably disappear into the night.

Domestic animals kept on Greenpark Estate should be housed indoors at night for safety from Leopard and to avoid any disturbance to neighbours. All animals are required to have-up-to-date annual Rabies vaccination certificates. Domestic animals are not allowed to graze on other people’s properties without express permission from or by arrangement with the respective plot owners. Non-resident plot owners are discouraged from keeping domestic animals on their property. Plot owners should note that staff on Greenpark are not allowed to keep domestic animals.


The airfield is jointly maintained by Greenpark Water Services and the Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort.


Main Electricity is supplied by  Kenya Power and Lightning Company Ltd. Please apply to the Naivasha office for electricity connection to your property.

Use underground connections where possible, and avoid power lines to your property running across a neighbour’s view.

All power installations to your property and staff quarters must be done by a registered electrician approved by KPLC.


Although not encouraged, plot owners who intend having one, must submit building plans to the Building and Development Committee and abide by the decision of the Committee on the placement site.


It should be noted that no commercial enterprise may be carried out on Greenpark without the approval from the Board of Directors and the Building and Development Committee.